Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Tent Cooking

I recently visited one of my all time fave cooking partners and good buddy, Emily Z, in her unbelievable tent in Vermont. Let me tell you, the VT tent life is pretty amazing. Fresh food and herbs from the garden, mountain views, swimming holes, outdoor peeing.

We made a simple dinner of lacinato kale and tofu with sage-parsley butter on toast over her camp stove.

We picked the herbs straight from the garden, minced and incorporated into the butter. Check out the toasting mechanism.


  1. i am so jealous of this. the maxwell boys and i are going camping but i think were just gonna eat MRE all week.

  2. wooo! having a tent cooking co-conspirator was awesome! last night i made a long-stewing chicken/garlic/ginger/rice noodle soup with a bunch of garden squash and herbs. it was mostly to ward off my summer cold but i thought of you <3
