Monday, December 28, 2009

Improvised kitchen tools

Ben saw in America's test kitchen that you can use the top of an onion as a steamer for vegetables. Naturally, Ben extended this to eggs. Benedicts to be exact. These are their stories:

First, the onion layers were sized and buttered.

Egg One (the first one was much better than the second, much like with siblings):

Ben thought it would be a good idea to see what a beaten egg would do. Egg two was not as delicious. We ended up having to add some water around the onion to get it to cook evenly.


Here's what I made. Poached style. I am less adventurous.

The end.


  1. this looks amazing. i want to make it too! unfortch our kitchen is hovering around -15 degrees and wont raise to a more livable temperature until march. which means we've been eating popcorn and jellybellies in our bedroom huddled around the space heater.

    so what did you guys do with the onions?

  2. we tossed the onion rings out. too early in the AM to batter and deep fry 'em.
