Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Milkshake Busters Challenge #4

The next (I believe 4th) Milkshake Busters Challenge has been announced! We will each have one month to prepare...


Yes! It's finally come! Each contestant must select one item from the infamous and healthy that son of a bitch up! Now keep in mind, some of these recipes, in order to remain as their original post, will have fattening elements. It is your job, however, to take something from the fatblog and turn it into an everydayish meal. Points go to healthiness, creativity, difficulty level, and closeness to the original.

Go forth and make their milkshakes healthy... then drink the shit out of them! Your time beings... NOW!

Keep in mind, all those who abstain from participation may be subject to loss of posting privileges.


  1. sounds awesome. time to healthy-up the deepfat fried butter recipe! (haha - i'm going to have to turn it into broiled margerine yuk!)

  2. also, how healthy are we talking? i tend to use a lot of butter and salt in my dishes so are we talking "normal dinner" style dish, or are we talking "my fat diabetic gramma coming over for dinner" style dish?

  3. How healthy you want to make it is up to you. What points you lose in healthiness you can always make up in how close you are to the original post. Really just have fun with it. Get inspired. Im looking forward to everyone's interpretations.
